Saturday, 1 August 2009


Woken at 1pm, tired and want to sleep more, having had not much sleep the previous night. Family want me to go buy clothes, but I have some clothes already and can buy better shirts on teh internets. I then hear mention of passing mccheezburgers so I go. I Examine that board with some pictures of burgers on and see a doublebaconcheeseburger. Although bacon, in general, makes everything better, I think bacon will detract from the cheeseburgerness, and, not knowing of the double cheeseburger, I ask a man in a hat about a doublebaconcheeseburgerwithoutbacon. He says yuz, and I can has it. I open it and find it slighly smaller than expected, but a cheeseburger nonetheless. After a good eat, I find I could has another. After all cheeseburgers do increase your atack, defense, speed, and HP. I seem to eat cheeseburgers In pairs alot.
Cheezburgers good.