Saturday 1 August 2009


Woken at 1pm, tired and want to sleep more, having had not much sleep the previous night. Family want me to go buy clothes, but I have some clothes already and can buy better shirts on teh internets. I then hear mention of passing mccheezburgers so I go. I Examine that board with some pictures of burgers on and see a doublebaconcheeseburger. Although bacon, in general, makes everything better, I think bacon will detract from the cheeseburgerness, and, not knowing of the double cheeseburger, I ask a man in a hat about a doublebaconcheeseburgerwithoutbacon. He says yuz, and I can has it. I open it and find it slighly smaller than expected, but a cheeseburger nonetheless. After a good eat, I find I could has another. After all cheeseburgers do increase your atack, defense, speed, and HP. I seem to eat cheeseburgers In pairs alot.
Cheezburgers good.

Friday 31 July 2009

Rustler's Microwavables

Yesterday, approx 2pm:
Me and Alex  head out to meet with others, stop by costcutters outside his house for snacks and drink. While browsing for suitable items, one of us spots Rustler's Microwavable Cheeseburgers. (Fairly sure they where one of those two images, most likely the one on the left.) We are hungry and cheeseburgers are good, so we purchase them and return to the house. Alex goes first - microwaves burger for 30 seconds. Upon retrieval, Finds it too hot for the eating. I go for 20. Time passes quicker than expected. I have to wait about another 20 seconds before being able to eat. At first, the buns seemed too soft, but as I ate on, they solidified, in a good way, to a decent texture.
Cheezburger good.